Graph Control for .Net Windows Forms and the Compact Framework
The Graph Control provides every graphing feature you could want:
Legends, Zooming, Date/Time, Logarithmic, Inverted axes, Right and Left
Y-Axes, Markers, Cursor Values, Alarms, and more, while still providing
excellent performance. It supports line, bar chart, area graphing,
scatter graphing and line and symbol modes, and they can be used in
combination in one graph. You can even define the image to be used as a
data point symbol. We've also added extensibility events that allow you
to draw on the graph's canvas. This allows you the flexibility to
customize the graph's appearance by drawing marker lines, image
backgrounds, gradient surfaces, etc. Source code is now available.
Trend Graph Control for .Net Windows Forms and the Compact Framework
The Trend Graph Control provides real time, scrollable charting
capabilities. Memory is handled by the Trend Graph's circular buffer, so
you can add points in real time without worrying about memory growing
out of control as time goes on. The Trend Graph also supports: Legends,
Zooming, Date/Time, Logarithmic, Inverted axes, Right and Left Y-Axes,
Markers, Cursor Values, Alarms, and more, while still providing
excellent performance. It supports line, scatter graphing and line and
symbol modes, and they can be used in combination in one graph. You can
even define the image to be used as a data point symbol. We've also
added extensibility events that allow you to draw on the graph's canvas.
This allows you the flexibility to customize the graph's appearance by
drawing marker lines, image backgrounds, gradient surfaces, etc. Source
code is now available.
Visual Dashboard Controls for .Net Windows Forms and the Compact
The Visual Dashboard Control suite includes everything you need to
create eye catching and easy to use displays. The suite includes
advanced charting capabilities, graphical meters, switches and sliders
for user interaction, image button, and user entry controls for advanced
formatting. We've added Trend Graph, LED Display, Rotary Meter, Image
Button, Tank, Percent Bar Chart, enhanced Check Box, enhanced Radio
Button, Radio Group, and Keypad controls. 26 Great Controls in all!
Source code is now available.
Instrumentation Controls for .Net Windows Forms and the Compact
The Instrumentation Control suite includes everything you need to create
eye catching and easy to use displays. The suite includes advanced
charting capabilities, graphical meters, switches and sliders for user
interaction, image buttons, user entry controls for advanced formatting,
serial port controls for hardware communications, and encryption
controls for devices and desktop. 34 Great Controls in all!
User Entry Controls for the .Net Compact Framework
The User Entry control suite provides extended formatting options for
great looking applications. The Enhanced Text Box, Label, Numeric Text
Box and Numeric Label controls add Borders, Autosizing, and Tag
properties to the base CF controls. The Masked Edit ensures correct user
entries. The Radio Button Group and Check Box controls allow use of
images and auto size. The Image Button has options for image alignment
and supports text wrapping.