I have mixed feelings about this page. IEEE-488 (also called HPIB, from it progenitor) is not a high performance bus, though its raw performance exceeds most parallel and serial interfaces. However, it is widely used to interface to high-performance instruments. So, I chose to place it here. Just as I was about to start doing research for this page, I received the June, 1999 issue of Test and Measurement World magazine (www.tmworld.com). In it was an article by Werner Haussmann and Alicia Viskoe titled, "ActiveX Control Simplifies Instrument Programming." It covers much of the same territory that I might have, with a similar approach. Engineers must learn to borrow when ever possible, duplicating effort only when necessary. Since I don't get paid for work here, my motives are straight-forward (read as you would like). The article is online at http://www.tmworld.com/articles/061999_activex.html, though I don't know how long it will be available for viewing there. However, the associated code may be downloaded from ftp://www.tmworld.com/57jun99.ZIP. Various vendors make IEEE-488 interface boards. Here are a few: Capital Equipment Corporation. PCI-488 comes with language support for Visual Basic C++, Delphi, and other popular languages. National Instruments |
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